Human foods that are bad for your dogs
To ensure your dog stays healthy it’s best to feed him the doggy food and treats that are made for him rather than giving him human foods and scraps off your dinner plate. Even so, an opportunistic dog could take a nibble of your food when you’re not looking, so it’s important to familiarise yourself with the dangers so that you can be extra cautious around these foods.
If your dog does ingest something he shouldn’t, take him to the vet immediately and tell your vet what your dog ate so that he can be given the right treatment.
Foods your dog should avoid
Chocolate contains theobromine that is poisonous to dogs. Theobromine can affect your dog's heart, and cause vomiting or diarrhoea.
Grapes and raisins
It’s not known why, but grapes or raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs so keep them out of reach.
Avocados contain persin and if a dog consumes a large amount it is toxic. It’s not just the fruit, but the leaves, seed and bark that contain persin too.
Onions, chives and garlic
These foods can upset your dog's stomach and gut, with onions being the worst culprit. Don’t forget that dinner scraps could easily contain any of these foods so it’s best to avoid treating them when you’ve finished your dinner.
Milk and other dairy products
Not all dogs will have a problem when they drink milk or eat dairy products, but it's best to err on the side of caution. As in certain humans, some dogs have an intolerance to the lactose present in dairy products.
Macadamia nuts
Symptoms such as a vomiting, hypothermia, tremors, depression and weakness can develop 12 hours after a dog eats macadamia nuts. These symptoms can last up to two days. A visit to your vet is a good idea though, rather than waiting for the symptoms to pass.
We've already mentioned chocolate, which contains caffeine. Keep your mug of tea or coffee well out of reach of your dog. The caffeine in these drinks can make your dog unwell.
Xylitol is a sweetener that is found in some sweets, cakes and diet foods. If eaten by your dog, it can cause insulin to be released leading to hypoglycaemia. Vomiting, poor coordination and lethargy can be the first signs that your dog has been affected, with seizures being a more serious side effect.
It's probably obvious that you shouldn't give your dog alcohol, but it’s important to note that alcohol can be much more harmful to dogs than it can be to humans. Just a small amount can cause serious health issues and even death. So if you’re having a party, make sure everyone knows to keep an eye on their drink and to keep it out of reach of your dog.